Interview an AI Worker

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Nikita Ivanov
Founder, Investor
September 12, 2024

Over the weekend I had an opportunity to test drive a new feature on the Humatron AI platform - an interview of… a software-defined AI worker. And while it may not be the groundbreaking capabilities in of itself - it is a chat based interview after all, sometimes it is these capabilities that act like the last pieces of a puzzle that finally complete it.

Let me explain.

Humatron is an API platform for hirable software-defined workforce. Builders of new and existing AI agents integrate with Humatron to gain SOTA capabilities out-of-the-box instead of building them themselves. Huge time saver.

One of such capabilities is a fully automated discover/interview/hire/onboard process that Humatron provides out-of-the-box for any AI worker. It is actually pretty remarkable that your chatbot or copilots can be “hired” by a company in just about the same way as any human employee can be hired - and it requires absolutely no actions from the developer’s side. You just supply the core skills (i.e. the “brains”), integrate and publish on the Humatron platform and Humatron takes care of everything else.

Humatron has already published multiple AI workers, hiring and onboarding processes. Interviewing was the last piece that makes this “demand” side of the Humatron platform complete. And although other functional areas may be more technically involved - it is the interviewing process that sort of completes the picture, at least for me.

Here’s what I did.

Humatron is still in private beta. Get your invite token and try it for yourself 🙏

Further reading